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Adjusting Staff Permissions
Adjusting Staff Permissions

How to adjust whether staff can see all clients, edit their own settings, see all calendars and view their reports among other things.

Updated over 12 months ago

To Adjust staff permissions:

Select "Settings" from the main menu:

Select "Staff"

Select the staff member you want to adjust:

Click the permissions tab at the top of the page to go to the stylist permissions:

Toggle on/off the permissions you want to change:

  • "Active" staff, count towards your total number of staff and can log in to their account. You can set a staff member to inactive if they go on an extended (eg 6 month) holiday, maternity leave, etc. They will not show up in the booking system.

  • "Administrators" have access to all settings in the salon including all staff, clients, calendars and settings.

  • "Scheduling" staff members are those staff who do services. They will show up in the booking calendar and can have services that they offer. Non-scheduling staff are people like front desk staff, receptionist, bookkeepers, etc. Non-scheduling staff do not count towards the total number of paid staff in your account.

  • Staff who "Can edit their own settings" are able to customize their own services, booking settings, etc. Turn this off if you wish to manage these centrally.

  • Staff who can "View all clients of the salon" are able to view the clients seen by all staff members. This setting is helpful to leave on if you want staff to be able to service all clients from the salon. If you want staff to only be able to book with their own clients then set this to off.

  • Staff who can "View all staff calendars" can view the calendars of the whole salon. If turned off they will only be able to see their personal calendar.

  • Staff who can "View their reports" are only able to view their reports (unless they are an administrator). Administrators can automatically view all reports for the salon. Individual staff by default can only view their own reports, not that of other staff members. If this is this is turned off they will not be able to see their own reports.

Once you're happy with the permission settings select "Save".

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